Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Soldier #31

My best friend has been in love with a boy for years. They have gone back and forth since they were in seventh grade. Most people beleive that you dont know what love is when you are that young, but these two love the hell out of eachother and have forever. Six months ago he was sent over to Iraq. The enitre time that he has been there they have been emailing eachother since being on the phone isn't an easy option. They kind of started this strange relationship backwards since they couldn't be around eachother. Well he is finally home from Iraq and it is amazing. I normally hate the guys my friends pick out because they date these guys that are such jerks. But this boy he is totally different, and I like it. My friend has been through so much in the past few years and to finally see her, in love and truly happy is wonderful. Out of all the people I know she deserves it the most, and I can't wait to see how things work out for them in the next few weeks.

Now that I am done gushing about how great my friend and her lover are I am going to go get ready for work...

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