Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My friends #29

I have some of the greatest friends in the entire world, but sometimes they are the greatest pain in my butt. I swear that sometimes people just don't think before they say or do things, or maybe they just are numb sometimes.

My friends have been so ridiculous lately. I really truly think that they just have no comprehension of what the world is really like and the sacrifices that come along with decisions you make. I understand that if I choose to do something it may be that along the way I can't do something because of what I have already chosen to do. For instance, if you owe rent in a week and you don't have any money you probably shouldn't go out and buy things that aren't necesities. You also shouldn't decline extra shifts at your job if you have no money.

I also have annoyed because we all threw a massive party for two of our friends birthday. The party was supposed to be a great time we had spent a lot of time and money putting everything together and what happens...the party sucks, not even sucked it royally sucked. Girls are just such drama queens sometimes I just would like to completely avoid drama. I know that sometimes it is un avoidable but AHHHH I just hate it, no matter what kind of drama it is.

I am done ranting and raving now I feel much better now that I have vented out all of my anger and tension. On that note I am going to go and try to do some homework so I can pass my class!

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